CCH Auxiliary Breast Cancer Comfort Fund
The Central Carolina Hospital Auxiliary Breast Cancer Comfort Fund was established in 2011 to help breast cancer patients with "extra comfort items" and "screening/testing" that may not be covered by insurance, as well as patients who are uninsured or have financial constraints. The fund is available to women as well as men.
Comfort items include head coverings such as caps, scarves, hats, wigs, and other specialty items that may be required. They may also include mastectomy bras, a breast prosthesis, or compression garments for patients with lymphedema (an accumulation of lymph fluid in the layers of skin that cause persistent swelling in the arm or breast). Some examples of screenings include screening mammograms, diagnostic mammograms and breast biopsies.
Fundraising events are held throughout the year to support the CCH Auxiliary Breast Cancer Comfort Fund. To make a donation, earmark your contribution for the Breast Cancer Comfort Care Fund and send your donations to:
CCH Auxiliary Breast Cancer Comfort Care Fund
1135 Carthage Street
Sanford, NC 27330
For more information, contact CCH Volunteer Services at 919.774.2100 or visit
Talk with your provider about your family history, areas of concern, and breast cancer risk. The sooner any form of breast cancer is detected, the greater the likelihood that treatment will be successful.
Schedule your screening mammogram today by calling 919.774.2157.
Find a Provider
Some breast screenings may require a provider order. Talk to your provider or find one today.